Important decision of the Epaniel Breton Club of France

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The Board of Epaniel Breton Club in France decided on the10th and 11th of January 2009 not to accept from the 31st of March in 2009 into the Dog Shows, the Epaniel Bretons which have the colour of white and orange and which present black hairs on different parts of their body like ears, back, tail, and other parts (muscles) because they consider that this colour (“blackened”) as has been described is not in the F.C.I. Standard No. 95 which for the breed Epaniel Breton and it doesn’t even exists on pointer dogs. In case of appearing such a dog then the morphology judge he is entitle to disqualify the dog.

Also, the Board of Epaniel Breton Club of France decided that from 1st of January 2010 the Bretons that appear with the following disqualifying reason, will not be accepted not even on the confirmation procedure about their morphology level which takes place the previous day of the European Championship.

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